Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Getting closer to God

I do not know why anyone would just fast.  There has to be a reason, especially since we are geared as human beings to eat.  There has to be much higher motivation to give up food than just saying I am dieting or not eating.

I have just finished the gorging meal of the year, our Thanksgiving feast.  We really missed out on a great deal of the fun, for our friends with their 5 beautiful children, who were supposed to be our guests, all had bad colds and the attending symptoms.  They were bringing the turkey and it accompaniments.  I made the salads, veggies, and provided the pie.  In the end they came over with the bird and the potatoes, I gave them baggies of salads, vegetables, and the like, and we just exchanged our portions and ate without them.  I was really saddened because children are so wonderful and full of life no matter when you are with them.  Hopefully we will have the opportunity to enjoy another meal with a purpose in the near future.

I have spent years studying science, but primarily science in the scriptures.  Whoever I was before I came to the earth through a chiropractor father and a music teacher mother sings with the joy of the muses, i.e. scriptures, music, mathematics, sacred geometry, great literature, and beauty laid out in masses of colors and patterns.  I have found great purpose, without a full explanation, in studying what I would term as weird science.

Recently I have been studying and reaching to heaven.  I have done this through what felt like an accidental landing from an alien space ship into a realm of 432 Hz, which is a vibrational frequency that comes from the sun, and touches the human body in such a way as to heal it.

You can read more about this by going to www.returnto432.com, but for now I will stay on the topic of fasting.

I sat in the bathtub this morning, somewhat like Archimedes.  (don't you wish we studied the ancients so we actually knew I was telling you something profound?!)  I had a revelation about a fast I am getting ready to embark on.  I have carefully chosen this fast for a number of reasons.  The first reason is that I abhor the gluttony I have been involved in as a tradition during my life.  Don't get me wrong; I think food is wonderful.  I also know that as Americans, having the traditional Thanksgiving feast is a tragedy when there are so many around us that go without a crumb of bread, let alone a slice of turkey.  And let us not forget what it was the original pilgrims were grateful for; to was a place to worship, and the freedom to do it, plus the help from the native Americans who helped them to learn how to not only survive, but to flourish in this new land.

Secondly, I want to draw closer to God.  That is the primary reason I am beginning this fast.  I did a water fast for 3 days earlier this month.  I prayed for the ability to benefit from it for the entire time, and felt that I might even be able to go without any food for 40 days, but 3 days was sufficient at that time. I was so greatly blessed from that experience.  It was no sacrifice for me whatsoever.  My grandson kept asking why I was still fasting.  Oh, I wish I could have given him a better explanation.

As I sat in the tub, it came to me why fasting and prayer was going to take me to a place I needed to go.

Here comes the science of fasting, or at least a portion of it.

Everything vibrates.  There is nothing on this planet that does not vibrate.  The happiest human being can vibrate at the highest levels, which are sympathetic with light.

Since our bodies are designed to do the greatest work when we vibrate in synchrony with the heavens, i.e. our DNA replicates at that frequency, our heart beats in sympathy with light, our bones and our other cavities in our bodies are all designed to sing a sympathetic vibration with heaven. It is important that we supply all the light we are capable of to resonate with the heavens.  We were intended to become as God, why not participate in the experience and enjoy it?!!!

As I sat in my tub this morning, the words that came to me were that if I wanted to get closer to the Lord, fasting and prayer was the standard measure to be observed. It was explained to me that the reason the scriptures talk about fasting and prayer is because fasting is a great blessing to rid us of the things of this world that so greatly weigh us down, even the very gravity that pulls us to this earth.  Water is a medium in the heavens as well as the earth, and fasting with water is an easy thing to do.  Prayer comes so much easier when we are not sitting at a table focusing on the food, but there is much, much more.

As I thought on what happened when I did not put anything in my body that wasn't vibrating with light, i.e., cooked and processed foods, and meat (which is dead), I realized that the reason the Daniel Fast was so powerful was because all the food in it is alive, and vibrating at a harmonic frequency with light.  But it takes digestion to work on the Daniel fast, even though the food is alive.  Nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables that are all alive provide such joy to the body, without the drag that comes from eating foods that require the body to work hard at digesting and throwing off the refuse and the toxins that come from other foods.

I spent a little time looking at foods and spices that make our mealtimes wonderful.  Garlic, cinnamon, cloves, wasabi, hot sauce, cayenne pepper, etc.  What I realized was that they were all additives that vibrated at very high frequencies, and that they not only add flavor, but keep the lower frequencies from taking over.

I have such a strong desire to connect with Heaven.  My mind races with a multitude of thoughts at all times.  It is difficult for me to meditate.  I am constantly thinking of something.  When I fast, I do not have so many things racing through my mind.  My body is more calm.  I feel the influence of heaven instead of the multitude of things that are constantly providing input.

As I thought about what it was I would be doing for the next 40 days (for that is the length of the fast that I will go on), and what I have learned about fasting, parasites, water only, and the effects of fasting over a lengthy period of time, I have pondered upon what kind of fast I would do and what would be most beneficial to me.

I am going to do what is called a master cleanse, with a slight twist.  I am going to drink lemon water with honey (instead of maple syrup, which is a processed sugar) and take cayenne pepper capsules each time I make a quart of lemon water.

Recently I learned that the stomach lining in the abdominal cavity is hexagonal.  There is a correspondence for honey and the stomach.  Science has done a nasty job on just about everything, and honey has received a severe bum rap.  Honey is a perfect food.  (You can do research on Google and learn about it yourself.)

Honey has provided so many things over the years, and it is only in the last 200 years that refined sugars have been manufactured.  The detrimental factors in the human body because of sugar or known the world around.

Honey, as a food during a fast, does not cause the body any stress, because it is in a geometric pattern with the area it is administering.  In a sense your stomach is in harmony with your food. They correspond to each other.  You might want to take a look at the law of signatures, which shows the correspondence between certain foods that look like body parts, i.e. the carrot looks like the eye and it provides

Water, when it is in it's pure molecular form, is also hexagonal, so the two of them provide a happy substance for the body to heal.

Lemon and cayenne are great at removing residue in the body.  Cayenne drives the herpes virus back to its nasty little lair when you get a fever blister that comes out.

Years ago I was squeezing lemon onto something and had to answer the telephone.  I realized shortly thereafter that the juice and oil from the lemon rind actually etched a spot on the plastic of my telephone.  I put that information aside for the time being and have thought about it frequently.

I am hoping that through this 40 day fast, not only will my body be in a happy state, since I will not be starving it, but feeding it through the honey, but the lemon will be able to removed the plastics that are in my body, which suffocate my cells, and the cayenne can burn off or away the viruses that reside in my body.  They are parasitic in nature.

I can easily see why fasting is a joy, because when we recognize how much of a hotel our bodies are to unwanted guests, we want to be rid of them.

I want a body that is truly a temple.  I want the holy spirit to reside in me.  I do not want to be carrying around excess baggage, be it weight, or parasites, or resident spirits.  I want to be completely focused on God, to have him come and abide with me.

It is true that no unclean thing can enter into the presence of the Lord.  The knowledge that God does not dwell in unholy temples is proof positive that we are able to have him dwell in us more rapidly by honoring a fast that is encouraged and approved by the Heavens themselves.

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