Tuesday, June 5, 2012

He feeds me

I gave myself a great deal of food for thought from the last blog post.  I revisited the dinner with Jesus and the less desirable. I thought a great deal of the Savior telling the quizzical ‘religious’ leaders of his day about the need to fast only when the Bridegroom was absent.  I pondered and tried to imagine what it was like for this meal that Christ was having with the outcasts.  I tried to envision the landscape, the lay of the home, the table, even the food being served. I pondered upon fasting and feasting, Pharisees and prostitutes, Sadducees and criminals.  I was thinking of the common man who was invited to sit down and eat with Christ. Amazing how instructive a meaty thought can be.

I decided to ask the Lord if he would like me to fast so that I could sit down and let Him feed me.  The answer was an emphatic, YES.

I wasn’t interested in fast food, a boxed lunch, or even dinner at the Ritz.  I was imagining what it would be like to really sit at the feet of the Savior and partake of the words of eternal life. No wonder Mary wasn’t interested in getting up and being busy when she was sitting in the ultimate classroom.

I wasn’t interested in ABC food either (Already Been Chewed).  As much as I have loved my Sunday School teachers, as well as very educated friends, I wanted the whole truth, and I wanted it directly from the loving Creator of this world, my beloved Savior.

I was actually stunned that I was looking at something that has been in my face for so long.  How had I totally missed the message.  As always, it was a very simple and obvious message.  Christ is the answer to every question.  Inviting Him into our lives is the solution to every problem and the answer to every dream.

I love getting out of the stinking thinking box, especially when I realize that I have been desperately holding on to false notions and foolish traditions.  After standing up and dusting myself off (since I have been crammed into such a tight space for such a long time regarding this issue), I revel in the feeling.  It mirrors much of what Dorothy went through when she visited the Land of Oz.  She went out unconscious and came back a much enlightened young woman. She definitely had new perspective. 

Now, I am no longer a young woman, but I feel much enlightenment.  I feel such gratitude from the experience of even a short fast.  I realized many awakenings that released me from heavy burdens I actually did not know I was carrying around.  I was able to be released from bondage to an adversary that has kept me blind, deaf, and certainly dumb.  The Lord has given me new eyes to see and strength to stand.  I feel like a new person.  I have a renewed confidence in my ability to seek the Lord and his response to my needs. And to think I can experience this precious and marvelous feeling by inviting Him to my table, into my prayers, and most wonderfully, into my heart. Oh, the blessings of the fast are indeed immeasurable.

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