This may seem a very strange post here on this blog, and it has been a long and winding road until I could understand it more clearly. Bear with me, will you?
The first 4 blessings in the Law of the Fast clearly point to being liberated from a yoke of bondage. It is Christ that lifts us from the bondage.
I have learned a great deal about the spirits that want to possess our bodies. They will do it in any way possible. If you want a very good example of this, you might want to read, Return from Tomorrow, by George Ritchie. He leaves his body for a short time and is taken many places. One of them is a bar, where he sees disembodied spirits trying to enter the bodies of those in the bar. Only when the drinkers pass out and the protective aura opens up at the crown of the head are those spirits able to enter the body of the drunken man or woman.
There are a myriad of ways in which darkness is able to enter our bodies. One of the most brilliant things about our God is He is ever teaching us how to stay happy and protected from the power of the adversary and the ensuing darkness. Our food, which was filled with life from the ground, and the trees, is in full abundance on the earth. We have been so steered away from eating it in its original form that the light that was inherent in it has been taken away. That light, and the protection of that light has diminished until the walls of our fortress fell down. We have become extremely susceptible to darkness, in all of its myriad forms. Along with it is rampant disease.
I have a girlfriend who has had lupus for over 50 years. When it was discovered, the Lord instructed her not to take any medication. But she took the advise of the doctors, who put her on prednazone, as well as some other medications. It put her body into a state of disease and acidity.
All medications are synthetic copies of herbs, and other plants. By their very nature they are acidic. The body thrives in an alkaline state, but begins to break down and decompose in an acidic state. I don't know how many of you have ever composted, or found things rotting in the yard, but whatever you have found is always accompanied by a multitude of creepy crawlers that are destroying the flesh and using it for their dinner. That's what a parasite does in your body; they are uninvited guests that come in because there is an environment that allows them to hide, to feed, and to destroy the health of the body.
My friend was recovering from her illness. She received a priesthood blessing from my husband who told her that she would know what she needed to do to heal. She felt to do some holistic practices that would cleanse her blood and colon. Through this practice she found that she was infested with tapeworm.
When I received the information about this, I realized this was a subject I did not want to broach. This was nasty. I did not know people who had parasites. Are you kidding? But for some reason I did a little research just to make sure I wasn't going to have any similar circumstances. My personal findings are unimportant here, but what I learned is: our nation is experiencing massive difficulties from parasites.
Now, what does this have to do with fasting, you might ask. Well, when my friend began her regiment, and passed the entire length of the tapeworm, she felt the presence of a being that left her. She knew about dark entities and spirits. She was delivered from the presence of them, and they put up quite a fight just before they let go.
Drugs and processed foods open up the haven for parasites in our bodies. And if the young man who was possessed of the legion of spirits that Christ cast into the swine (realizing that they were willing to take on any life form, as long as they could have a life form), why would it be that surprising that we are subjected to darkness just by the very fact that we eat processed food that has been tampered with?
I have a friend who learned about spirits being in other people. It disturbed her and she went to the privacy of her own closet to enquire of the Lord. She did muscle testing, just as she had been instructed, to find out how many beings might be within her. She reported that after she reached the number of 20,000, she stooped.
She enquired of the Lord how this could be and was told that it is allowed because of our agency. But that is a huge number. How could you have that many beings without being a crazed maniac like the man in the New Testament, unless you have them inhabiting the form of the parasites.
Fasting for a short period of time will destroy those parasites. Drinking lemon juice with honey or maple syrup and taking cayenne pepper (Called the Master Cleanse), even for the space of 10-12 days will kill the parasites. Hulda Clarke's 90 parasite cleanse, which is an herb concoction consisting of black walnut hulls, cloves, and wormwood will kill all of the eggs, larvae and adult parasites in your body in 90 days. All this is natural and filled with light for the body.
Over the years I have noticed how much I like certain foods that seem to be ethnic but important additives in foods around the world. Cinnamon is a common additive, which I came to find out was not only a spice, but a parasite deterrent. So are hot chilies, garlic, wasabi, cabbage, kimchi. I am sure there are a host of others, but I found it interesting that many cultures all over the world use these as a cooking compliment and may not even know that they are a guard and protector to the life of the body.
All these spices and herbs and bulbs are alkaline elements, filled with light. Alkaline environments deter parasites.
Light cleaveth unto light, and intelligence to intelligence. God our maker doth provide, for our wants to be supplied, our every want and need is truly taken care of is we will turn to Him. All is a function of His light and love.
This study is specific, not only to understand the promised blessings given by the fast, but to achieve those blessings, the greatest being audience with Jesus Christ.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Fasting and DNA
I went to Australia last month and visited with a
family. We did a group fast of 3 days. I was hoping for 7. Evidently
you need to be doing a great deal more than not eating during a group fast. Though
we did have prayer along with our fast, it did not produce the results that I
had desired, at least for me.
I have been thinking a great deal about DNA and
fasting. I will impart an example and do my best to tie them together.
In a 1993 study reported in the journal
Advances, the Army performed experiments to determine precisely whether
the emotion/DNA connection continues following a separation, and if so, at what
distances? The researchers started by collecting a swab of tissue and DNA
from the inside of a volunteer’s mouth. This sample was isolated and
taken to another room in the same building, where they began to investigate a
phenomenon that modern science says shouldn’t exist. In a specially
designed chamber, the DNA was measured electrically to see if it responded to
the emotions of the person it came from, the donor who was in another room
several hundred feet away.
In his room, the subject was shown a
series of video images designed to create genuine states of emotion inside of
his body. The idea was for the donor to experience a spectrum of real
emotions within a brief period of time. While he was doing so, in another
room his DNA was measured for its response.
When the donor experienced emotional “peaks”
and “dips,” his cells and DNA showed a powerful electrical response at the same
instant in time. Although distances measured in hundreds of feet
separated the donor and the samples, the DNA acted as if it was still
physically connected to his body.
The Army stopped their experiments with
the donor and his DNA when they were still in the same building, separated by
distances of only hundreds of feet. Following those initial studies,
however, Dr. Backster and his team had continued the investigations at even
great distances. At one point, a span of 350 miles separated the donor
and his cells.
The time between the donor’s experience
and the cell’s response was gauged by an atomic clock located in Colorado.
In each experiment, the interval measured between the emotion and the cell’s
response was zero—the effect was simultaneous.
The experiment showed 4 things:
1. A
previously unrecognized form of energy exists between living tissues.
2. Cells
and DNA communicate through this field of energy
3. Human
emotion has a direct influence on living DNA.
4. Distance
appears to be of no consequence with regard to the effect.[1]
"Veljkovic and Cosic
proposed that molecular interactions are electrical in nature, and they take
place over distances that are large compared with the size of molecules. Cosic
later introduced the idea of dynamic electromagnetic field interactions, that
molecules recognize their particular targets and vice versa by electromagnetic
resonance. In other words, the molecules send out specific frequencies of
electromagnetic waves which not only enable them to 'see' and 'hear' each
other, as both photon and phonon modes exist for electromagnetic waves, but
also to influence each other at a distance and become ineluctably drawn to each
other if vibrating out of phase (in a complementary way)."
All growing matter responds to light.
DNA is no exception. The existence of internal photons—internal light— is
the basis of virtually all cellular and systemic function, for all living
DNA is not only responsible for the construction of
our body but also serves as data storage and communication. The Russian
linguists found that the genetic code, especially in the apparently useless
90%, follows the same rules as all our human languages. To this end they
compared the rules of syntax (the way in which words are put together to form
phrases and sentences), semantics (the study of meaning in language forms) and
the basic rules of grammar.
One revolutionary corollary of this research is
that to activate DNA and stimulate healing on the cellular level, one can
simply use words. [3]
The power of reading the Holy
Scriptures, listening to the voice of the prophets[4],
mighty prayer, and singing of the hymns all have a powerful effect upon us.
It can have such a profound effect upon us, not only spiritually, but
physically. Through these mediums we are called to God. Our very
DNA responds to the word. No wonder John tells us that in the beginning was the
Word. We responded to it then, and we respond to it now. The information given
to us in Malachi about the hearts of the fathers turning to the children isn’t
just hyperbole. Words hissing forth from the dust[5]
as well as blood crying[6] from the ground
has scientific evidence that our ancestors have a very real connection to us,
even when they have departed from their physical bodies.
An autosome is a chromosome
that is not a sex chromosome – that is to say there are an
equal number of copies of the chromosome in males and females. For
example, in humans, there are twenty-two (22) pairs of
autosomes, and, in addition, there are the X
and Y sex chromosomes.[7]
The ancient Hebrew language consists of 22
characters. Understanding that words have a profound effect upon our DNA,
the very words of the language given to the covenant people, consisting of 22
characters to effect the transformation and assist in the mission of the
Israelites to fulfill their mission on earth is supplied to us here today as we
have learned the power of the word on our DNA.
It would then stand to reason that if DNA follows
set grammar rules, just like our language, and if it is influenced by words and
phrases, then DNA would also influence a person or a people to correspond in
like language—the language and purpose of the DNA. Recurrence is rampant in
nature. Evolution relies on gene duplication.
Now, I have been praying for my family, and my
greatest concern right now is for my children. I have also spent quite a bit of time contemplating my
ancestors. I know for a surety that they are aware of me and my efforts in all
the research I have been doing, as well as my goal to understand and come
closer and closer to my Savior.
As I have contemplated what I could do to make a
difference in the lives of my children and my grandchildren, as well as the
lives of my mother and siblings, the words have come to me to remember Alma,
the Elder, when he was concerned about his son, Alma the Younger. He fasted and prayed many days.
Was fasting and praying enough? I think there is a critical part that
is missing in the brief explanation of words. His belief in Christ and his perfect hope that all would be
well. We can fast all day long, or
go without food for that matter.
We can pray to all kinds of beings, whether they be idols or false and
powerless beings.
But when we begin to have faith in Christ that he
will heal us and our posterity, I believe that what we see happening in our
family line is the same thing that happened to the subject of experimentation,
only on a much grander scale.
I believe I will see a greater change in my family
as I put my full faith in the Savior during my fast. I can only imagine that the change that takes place in me as
I am healed, nurtured, taught, lifted, and brought into a closer proximity with
Christ will greatly affect a healing for my children and perhaps others as
well. I seek for wholeness,
balance, understanding and the ability to love more than anything. When I am filled with the Love of God,
I believe I will be able to impart that to my family. I am working on that with this fast.
The paragraph inserted is from Discoveries in
Chiasmus, by Yvonne Bent and Scott Vanatter.
[1]Greg Braden, The Divine Matrix,Hay House, Inc.,
Carlsbad, California, 2007, pgs. 46-50.
[3] Sol Luckman, Sound, Intention, and Genetic Healing,
[4] Moro. 10: 8, And again, I exhort you, my
brethren, that ye deny not the gifts of God, for they are many; and they come
from the same God. And there are different
ways that these gifts are administered; but it is the same God who worketh all in
all; and they are given by the manifestations of the Spirit
of God unto men, to profit them. ,
D&C 1: 38 What
I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and I excuse not myself; and though the
heavens and the earth pass away, my word
shall not pass away, but shall all be fulfilled,
whether by mine own voice or by the voice
of my servants,
it is the same.
[5] Moro. 10: 28 I declare these things unto the
fulfilling of the prophecies. And behold, they shall proceed forth out of the
mouth of the everlasting God; and his word shall hiss forth from generation
to generation
[7] Griffiths, Anthony J. F. (1999). An Introduction
to genetic analysis. New York: W.H. Freeman. ISBN 071673771X.,
[8] President Gordon B. Hinckley, “God Hath Not Given Us the
Spirit of Fear,” Ensign, Oct. 1984.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Group fasting
I am in Australia right now. I am staying with a lovely family and we have decided to have a 7 day fast for our family. We are doing a juice fast and prepared this morning by studying Isaiah 58. I have been looking forward to doing a longer fast, but I have gotten so discouraged lately that my fasting hasn't been for long periods of time, so I am thrilled to have friends that are as excited as I am to participate in this.
This is a very short post. I will update it with some of the special events that we pray we will see as a result of this fast.
It is much easier to fast with others when you are living with them. The first 3 days are very difficult, and there is so much time you have to redirect from eating and food preparation. It is much easier to fast because I have company. Do you think that there will be a new phrase coined that says, friends and family that fast together, last together.
This is a very short post. I will update it with some of the special events that we pray we will see as a result of this fast.
It is much easier to fast with others when you are living with them. The first 3 days are very difficult, and there is so much time you have to redirect from eating and food preparation. It is much easier to fast because I have company. Do you think that there will be a new phrase coined that says, friends and family that fast together, last together.
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Hunger, real hunger
I had gotten into some really bad eating habits
since I returned to my home in the fall of last year. I recognize them for
exactly what they are: my form of drugging myself. Food is by far the most
popular drug in the world, and wherever there is processed food, you have
drugs, powerful, dangerous drugs. They slow you down, numb your brain, and put
your body in an acidic condition that begins to break down your flesh. Didn’t mean to be negative, it is just
a statement of fact.
There is so much going on that educates our soul, most
of which we are not aware. 2 years ago as a result of my study on the Law of
the Fast, I decided that I would do a Daniel Fast, which was eating only raw
food for 40 days. I weighed the costs and my determination. I felt I could do at least that much.
I made it for 37 days. I was craving
something I couldn't put my finger on. One of my friends told me that I
needed the marrow in the bones of meat. I broke my fast. The full week
before this happened I had to have jalapeno peppers or hot chili sauce on
everything I ate. I couldn’t put my finger on it and it felt much like
have a craving when I was pregnant.
I went to see my dentist yesterday. She is also a naturopath.
I told her of my fasting story. She explained that when you are
craving hot foods, you body is detoxifying. That is exactly what will take
place in a Daniel Fast or in a juice fast, or water fast, and definitely a true
fast without water; our bodies will go through the process of being cleansed,
much like a refiner’s fire. The
hot sauce was showing the more thorough cleansing process through the actual
desire for a type of fire, or heat.
I woke early this morning, because I am not eating
processed food right now. You don't need the same amount of sleep when
you don't tax your digestive system with meats, carbohydrates that are processed,
and eating late. Well, now what do you do at 2:45 in the morning? You
read, because you are alert and awake and your stomach may be talking to you,
but clanging around in the kitchen will wake the rest of the family.
I am a person who loves the stimulation of beauty, color,
and texture. It makes eating raw fruits and vegetables such a lovely
experience because they are colorful, many different textures, and are truly
beautiful to the eye. I lay in bed early this morning thinking about what
I could eat. I kept thinking about satisfying this desire, but could come
up with nothing. My mind reverted to an experience I had when I was in
the first week of my fast.
I was having that same contemplation of what I
could eat, and the Holy Spirit whispered to me very clearly, "You will
never be satisfied with anything on this earth again." I thought it
only applied to food. I was wrong.
It was a beginning of a journey I had no idea I had chosen to go on.
I love to read my scriptures probably more than
anything else in the world. I love
feasting upon the word. I will never give it up. But something came
to me yesterday as I was contemplating a matter. They were the words the
Lord used while instructing Satan, as he attempted to test him during his 40
day fast.
But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall
not live by bread alone, but by
every word that
proceedeth out of the mouth of God. (Matt
I have contemplated the journey that a person can
desire to converse one on one with God. It is not a singular experience,
nor is it something that only happens to those who record it in the scriptures
we have at our disposal at this current time. God has, can, will, and does
speak to any of his children that so desire to have that precious
communication. We are trained in our youth to learn how he deals with
loving kindness with all his children through the scriptures. Eventually
we can reach a place, if it is our desire, that we receive the word that
proceeds out of the mouth of God, and we can get it directly to us. I continue
to remember that He is not a respecter of persons.
Wherefore, by the ministering of angels,
and by every word which proceeded forth out of the mouth of God, men began to
exercise faith in Christ; and thus by faith, they did lay hold upon every good
thing; and thus it was until the coming of Christ. (Moroni 8:1)
I learned this wonderful lesson
while lying in my bed pondering upon my hunger. Christ instructed us on
hungering and thirsting. He told us unequivocally that He is
the bread of Life, that He is the one that delivers living water. As my
hunger for the real thing continues, I am certain that angels are ministering
me to, as each one who is seeking will find out that truth for themselves. And
I expect to continue to lay hold upon every good thing until the coming of
Christ into my very being, just like others who sought him diligently in the
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Just a tiny bit
I have been reading a great book called the Long Knife, by Alexander Thom. He wrote Follow the River, among many others. He is an historian extraodinaire and I would put him in a classification next to Gibbons and Michner. I have really enjoyed his books because he has done such in-depth research.
Something caught my eye as I was in the thick of the exciting part where George Rogers Clark was leading his very weary men on a surprise attack to recapture Fort Vincennes (Vincent) from the British Commander Hamilton, who was commonly called the scalp buyer. Clark had pushed his men day after day because they needed to attack at a time they would be completely unexpected, and for the last 6 days of their trek they had suffered incredible hardships in freezing cold, wet weather with nothing to eat. The comment made was that he felt that his men were doing something that the Indians imposed upon themselves: they would fast for days so that they could get a clarity of mind and purpose. They needed to stay their course, they were fording a river that had ice in it and none of the men could swim.
As I study different things in history regarding fasting, I can see how purposeful a true fast is, if done with the intent of connecting with the Heavens, and the power that comes from communion with intent to fulfill purpose.
It is a waste of time to point out all the traditions that practice some kind of fast. What is of import to me is to recognize and then put into practice something that will yield the same powerful results as these Indians, or anyone else for that matter who is seeking the help from the Heavens in large, powerful doses. If fasting gives clarity of mind, then it must be breaching a gap that is filled in with all kinds of distractions. Something to consider as I have given up the wicked whites to seek after more light and less strain on my body.
I am always learning.
Something caught my eye as I was in the thick of the exciting part where George Rogers Clark was leading his very weary men on a surprise attack to recapture Fort Vincennes (Vincent) from the British Commander Hamilton, who was commonly called the scalp buyer. Clark had pushed his men day after day because they needed to attack at a time they would be completely unexpected, and for the last 6 days of their trek they had suffered incredible hardships in freezing cold, wet weather with nothing to eat. The comment made was that he felt that his men were doing something that the Indians imposed upon themselves: they would fast for days so that they could get a clarity of mind and purpose. They needed to stay their course, they were fording a river that had ice in it and none of the men could swim.
As I study different things in history regarding fasting, I can see how purposeful a true fast is, if done with the intent of connecting with the Heavens, and the power that comes from communion with intent to fulfill purpose.
It is a waste of time to point out all the traditions that practice some kind of fast. What is of import to me is to recognize and then put into practice something that will yield the same powerful results as these Indians, or anyone else for that matter who is seeking the help from the Heavens in large, powerful doses. If fasting gives clarity of mind, then it must be breaching a gap that is filled in with all kinds of distractions. Something to consider as I have given up the wicked whites to seek after more light and less strain on my body.
I am always learning.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
More about the Pineal Gland
I obsess. That is a proven fact. When I begin to study something, like I did with fasting, I started seeing the pattern for the law and the progression with the adjacent accumulating blessings along the way. It was most thrilling to me.
I am frequently found down rabbit trails as I study and research. A bibliography is as good as a round trip ticket to 5 weeks to Europe, because there is so many new things to see and learn. When I began to study the body as a temple, I began to identify the different pre-requisites for what would qualify for a holy of holies. There are a number of sites that give you a very good visual to see how the temple of Solomon has remarkable resemblances for the body, as well as the Egyptian temples. Go to the oracle Google images and put in the search words "Temple of Solomon" and body, as well as Egyptian temples. See what you come up with.
As I delved into this subject deeper, with my eye constantly fixed on the temple and different practices in and around the temple, fasting was next to feasting all the time. Sacrifice, fasting, praising, singing, and feasting seem to pretty well cover the temple experience.
This might look like a rabbit trail or diversion itself, but it is only meant to lay some ground work. They are all a part of the experience of getting closer to Christ.
When I would hit on a discovery (for a better word, a revelation given to me by the Heavens) I would have quite the Ah Ha moment. That is what happened when I started to study the brain as the holy of holies in Solomon's temple. I intend to write a book in the near future (which may be several years from now) showing a large number of the similarities of the body to the temple, but for the time being, I will provide a road map of sorts to show you how this pineal gland plays into the benefits of fasting.
I have spent a great deal of time learning about correspondences. Emanuel Swendenborg talks about them non-stop in all his works. The reason I relate to him so well is that he speaks about correspondences. A great many people have referred to the law of signatures in somewhat the same manner. Christ spoke very briefly, but informative of the correspondences in the Lord's Prayer. Remember that part about on earth, as it is in Heaven.
For a while, all I could think about was the pineal gland. If you haven't seen a picture of it, let me share a few with you. And take a look at brown algae. It looks so much like the pineal gland and spinal column. There is a bulb and a long column called a slipe. It is anchored in the ocean. The properties of the brown algae are incredibly nourishing to that precious and tiny gland in your brain.

There are millions of things on this earth that relate to heavenly things, specifically to teach us the origin and purpose of the use and need of the earthly counterpart to bring us closer to God. One of them is the pineal gland.
If you take a longer look at the pineal gland, you will notice that it looks much like a staff. Look at the pope's staff. There is a pine
cone just lower than the crucified Christ. Look at the caduceus. It looks like the pineal gland with the pineapple at the top. (I don't have the time or space here to illuminate on the pinecone, but if you study anything about divine design, you will see how important a pinecone can really be.)
There is a depiction of a pinecone on the top of the staff. I don't see it when I study the pineal gland anatomically, and I have been darn close in every book I can find, but evidently those who were dissecting cadavers were able to clearly discern one, because it sits on the top of the staff or column. This little gland has been known for millenia as being something powerful and divine. Anciently called the 'Third Eye', it has hosted the belief that with the use of the hormones from this gland, you can achieve the ultimate visitation or spiritual audience with Christ himself.
Now, you may be asking, what does this have to do with fasting.
When Christ was on the earth, he instructed those that followed him that they did not need to fast, for he was with them. So we get a gigantic clue that fasting has to do with bringing us close to Diety himself.
If you have done any research on the pineal gland you will know that it secrets hormones that are critical for our health and well-being, especially putting us in a state of rest, even sleep.
I will diverge again, but please bear with me.
I am hopeful that you remember the story of the tortoise and the hare. The hare is fast, and zips here and there. He speeds all over the place. He makes promises that he will always win. So many of us have bought into the same false belief that the rabbit had--that fast and speedy was the best possible answer.
On the other hand, the tortoise is slow and steady. He will always get where he wants to go, but maybe not so fast.
The rabbit, in all probability, will eventually burn out (not just lay down and take a nap), because he is always in flight. I don't think our bodies were always meant to be in flight, at least not in that manner. That's why we have day and night, and night and rest are every bit as critical for our living and survival as the effort of work.
Evidently competition is the part of the fight; it causes the body to actually contend with itself. Funny how we think that being competitive is such a great thing, until we find out that it burns out our functioning ability to endure to the end with some dignity, helps us to get a good night's sleep, and teaches us patience. (Hmmm, I am so old to be learning this lesson.)
In our body we have two nervous systems: the parasympathetic and the sympathetic. You could relate the sympathetic to the rabbit, because it is the fight and flight regulator. It provides us the necessary adrenaline surge to race to the end of the road, or hurry up and be busy with our Franklin Planner all day and well into the night. It gives us the desire to make and complete continuous lists. It keeps us burning the candle at both ends. There is just so much our bodies can take, and we have been excessively abusive to that part of our bodies in this day and age, believing that hurry is better than waiting a moment. No wonder God told is to be still so we could know the great I Am.
The parasympathetic nervous system is the thing that allows the pineal gland to manufacture the necessary hormones, such as the melatonin, seratonin, and DMT. DMT is that interesting hormone that initiates spiritual experiences. No wonder the pineal gland, under the sphenoid bone, is the center of the holy of holies in the temple. No wonder it was the representative high priest, a part of us that seeks to confer with God for the entire body, whether it be the body of the church, or our entire being, that enters that sacred, very holy, very private space.
I love this artist's rendition of the Tortoise and Hare. I don't know if he had any idea how prophetic his artistic rendition would be to teach this principle. Look at how the hare has such a nice set of clenched teeth. Look at how relaxed the tortoise is.
When we fast, it allows our sympathetic nervous system to rest, which in this day and age of stresses to an extremely dangerous degree, we desperately need the rest; the peace of mind. It also helps to kick in the power of the pineal gland, so that we can actually be in the presence of God.
Here's the really good news: Fasting rests the body so that the parasympathetic nervous system can operate better.
More of the DMT and other hormones later. Take a break from the stresses in our life. Learn to quiet your mind.
I am frequently found down rabbit trails as I study and research. A bibliography is as good as a round trip ticket to 5 weeks to Europe, because there is so many new things to see and learn. When I began to study the body as a temple, I began to identify the different pre-requisites for what would qualify for a holy of holies. There are a number of sites that give you a very good visual to see how the temple of Solomon has remarkable resemblances for the body, as well as the Egyptian temples. Go to the oracle Google images and put in the search words "Temple of Solomon" and body, as well as Egyptian temples. See what you come up with.
As I delved into this subject deeper, with my eye constantly fixed on the temple and different practices in and around the temple, fasting was next to feasting all the time. Sacrifice, fasting, praising, singing, and feasting seem to pretty well cover the temple experience.
This might look like a rabbit trail or diversion itself, but it is only meant to lay some ground work. They are all a part of the experience of getting closer to Christ.
When I would hit on a discovery (for a better word, a revelation given to me by the Heavens) I would have quite the Ah Ha moment. That is what happened when I started to study the brain as the holy of holies in Solomon's temple. I intend to write a book in the near future (which may be several years from now) showing a large number of the similarities of the body to the temple, but for the time being, I will provide a road map of sorts to show you how this pineal gland plays into the benefits of fasting.
I have spent a great deal of time learning about correspondences. Emanuel Swendenborg talks about them non-stop in all his works. The reason I relate to him so well is that he speaks about correspondences. A great many people have referred to the law of signatures in somewhat the same manner. Christ spoke very briefly, but informative of the correspondences in the Lord's Prayer. Remember that part about on earth, as it is in Heaven.
For a while, all I could think about was the pineal gland. If you haven't seen a picture of it, let me share a few with you. And take a look at brown algae. It looks so much like the pineal gland and spinal column. There is a bulb and a long column called a slipe. It is anchored in the ocean. The properties of the brown algae are incredibly nourishing to that precious and tiny gland in your brain.

There are millions of things on this earth that relate to heavenly things, specifically to teach us the origin and purpose of the use and need of the earthly counterpart to bring us closer to God. One of them is the pineal gland.
If you take a longer look at the pineal gland, you will notice that it looks much like a staff. Look at the pope's staff. There is a pine
cone just lower than the crucified Christ. Look at the caduceus. It looks like the pineal gland with the pineapple at the top. (I don't have the time or space here to illuminate on the pinecone, but if you study anything about divine design, you will see how important a pinecone can really be.)

Now, you may be asking, what does this have to do with fasting.
When Christ was on the earth, he instructed those that followed him that they did not need to fast, for he was with them. So we get a gigantic clue that fasting has to do with bringing us close to Diety himself.

I will diverge again, but please bear with me.
I am hopeful that you remember the story of the tortoise and the hare. The hare is fast, and zips here and there. He speeds all over the place. He makes promises that he will always win. So many of us have bought into the same false belief that the rabbit had--that fast and speedy was the best possible answer.
On the other hand, the tortoise is slow and steady. He will always get where he wants to go, but maybe not so fast.
The rabbit, in all probability, will eventually burn out (not just lay down and take a nap), because he is always in flight. I don't think our bodies were always meant to be in flight, at least not in that manner. That's why we have day and night, and night and rest are every bit as critical for our living and survival as the effort of work.
Evidently competition is the part of the fight; it causes the body to actually contend with itself. Funny how we think that being competitive is such a great thing, until we find out that it burns out our functioning ability to endure to the end with some dignity, helps us to get a good night's sleep, and teaches us patience. (Hmmm, I am so old to be learning this lesson.)
In our body we have two nervous systems: the parasympathetic and the sympathetic. You could relate the sympathetic to the rabbit, because it is the fight and flight regulator. It provides us the necessary adrenaline surge to race to the end of the road, or hurry up and be busy with our Franklin Planner all day and well into the night. It gives us the desire to make and complete continuous lists. It keeps us burning the candle at both ends. There is just so much our bodies can take, and we have been excessively abusive to that part of our bodies in this day and age, believing that hurry is better than waiting a moment. No wonder God told is to be still so we could know the great I Am.
The parasympathetic nervous system is the thing that allows the pineal gland to manufacture the necessary hormones, such as the melatonin, seratonin, and DMT. DMT is that interesting hormone that initiates spiritual experiences. No wonder the pineal gland, under the sphenoid bone, is the center of the holy of holies in the temple. No wonder it was the representative high priest, a part of us that seeks to confer with God for the entire body, whether it be the body of the church, or our entire being, that enters that sacred, very holy, very private space.
I love this artist's rendition of the Tortoise and Hare. I don't know if he had any idea how prophetic his artistic rendition would be to teach this principle. Look at how the hare has such a nice set of clenched teeth. Look at how relaxed the tortoise is.
When we fast, it allows our sympathetic nervous system to rest, which in this day and age of stresses to an extremely dangerous degree, we desperately need the rest; the peace of mind. It also helps to kick in the power of the pineal gland, so that we can actually be in the presence of God.
Here's the really good news: Fasting rests the body so that the parasympathetic nervous system can operate better.
More of the DMT and other hormones later. Take a break from the stresses in our life. Learn to quiet your mind.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Where have you been?
I haven't posted on this blog for months. I continue to study and research, and have discovered some of the most wonderful things about the blessing and invitation to fast. I wish that I could say I have gotten better at going without food.
I have been struggling lately, really struggling. I know I would have a greater peace if I would fast more. Not that I don't go without food, don't get me wrong. But I am missing HOME so badly. I was thinking about honoring our mother and father in the sense that the world was very much a mother to all of us. She provides food and water, warmth and comfort, shade from trees, soft grass to walk on. What mother wouldn't do that for us.
When I am feeling somewhat sad, I want comfort and that often comes in the form of food. Comfort food from Mother earth, something no tampered with by the hand of man, can taste delicious.
As I fast, or contemplate fasting, seeking for that time with the Savior, sometimes I fast, or feast on the finer things provided by Mother earth. This month it has been raw goat's milk. Honestly, it felt like a kind blanket wrapped around me.
Also, I have spent a great deal of time in my garden this spring. The colors are beautiful. I grew a plant called and Ichium, or more commonly known as a tower of jewels. It started to lean, so it really looked like the leaning tower of jewels. Then it toppled, but I am going to save the seeds.
But it has fed my soul to be out in nature, and the flowers are starting to blossom, the bees are coming around, and I guess you could say I was fasting from the chaos of the world, and feasting with my loving Mother earth, feeling the love from God and enjoying the fast.
If you have had a remarkable experience and you would like to share it on this blog, I would love to take a look at it. Send me a comment.
I have been struggling lately, really struggling. I know I would have a greater peace if I would fast more. Not that I don't go without food, don't get me wrong. But I am missing HOME so badly. I was thinking about honoring our mother and father in the sense that the world was very much a mother to all of us. She provides food and water, warmth and comfort, shade from trees, soft grass to walk on. What mother wouldn't do that for us.
When I am feeling somewhat sad, I want comfort and that often comes in the form of food. Comfort food from Mother earth, something no tampered with by the hand of man, can taste delicious.
As I fast, or contemplate fasting, seeking for that time with the Savior, sometimes I fast, or feast on the finer things provided by Mother earth. This month it has been raw goat's milk. Honestly, it felt like a kind blanket wrapped around me.
Also, I have spent a great deal of time in my garden this spring. The colors are beautiful. I grew a plant called and Ichium, or more commonly known as a tower of jewels. It started to lean, so it really looked like the leaning tower of jewels. Then it toppled, but I am going to save the seeds.
But it has fed my soul to be out in nature, and the flowers are starting to blossom, the bees are coming around, and I guess you could say I was fasting from the chaos of the world, and feasting with my loving Mother earth, feeling the love from God and enjoying the fast.
If you have had a remarkable experience and you would like to share it on this blog, I would love to take a look at it. Send me a comment.
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