After so many false starts, I am fasting again. I recently read a book called The Fasting Path, by Steven Buhner. It's one of the best books ever written to explain how to get motivated to fast, and the many benefits that accompany it. I was prompted through a dream several weeks prior to this time that I would be able to fast and be successful. I started out with great hopes and needed to go to a funeral, which is a lousy place to fast, since getting together to mourn with those that mourn and those that need comfort usually entails a great deal of eating with friends. So after I returned from the funeral I wondered if I could pick up where I left off. I knew what kind of resolve it takes to stay the course of anything, but fasting is huge!
One of the reasons I was really driven to stay on this fast was because I cannot eat. I literally choke on everything that goes down my throat that isn't liquid. I have only a very narrow channel down my esophagus called a Shotzki's ring, and it is so finicky that it became impossible to enjoy food. Hence, it gave me the more necessary impetus to really fast.
I had been studying the benefits of water and juice fasting for years, and I am expecting some amazing miracles. Since after the 3rd day of fasting the body goes into a state of ketosis, and begins to basically scavenge the dead cells, scar tissue, as well as heavy metals (which you can taste in your mouth as a metallic sort of feeling), parasites, poisons, old memories in the cells, etc., your body begins to produce ketones that the brain absolutely loves. The liver loves to get rid of them, and it is the food for the glands in the brain, particularly the pineal gland.
The Pineal Gland, being called the 3rd eye, is responsible for lucid dreams, visions, and other things associated with spiritual experiences. I can only surmise that the body knows exactly what to do to repair the body, especially when it is not busy digesting food.
Some years ago when I started my first long term, raw food fast, I was prompted to know that I would never be satisfied with the food of this earth again. Ever since then I have been trying to lie to myself and make that not so, but since I haven't eaten anything in 12 days, and have no appetite, I have learned many reasons why the food of this earth, even if it were in its pristine condition, will not be sufficient for me any longer.
It is interesting that the Lord tells us that He is the bread of Life and will give to us the Living Water. When you think of the diet of processed foods that we are exposed to and liken it to the philosophies of men mingled with scripture, it is no wonder that I was told I would never be satisfied with that food again. And I have and am not.
I have had much more clarity in my waking hours as well as in my sleep After the 5th day. My senses have awoken to the messages my body is sending my brain. It is remarkable how much information I have been ignoring that has been in a constant stream to my consciousness, but I chose to cloak it with food, with media, with distractions. I am aware of the motivation behind my food addictions that have beset me for years. When I was younger and more active, I did not realize that my activities around food were to gather people together and share.
Not that sharing is a bad thing, because it is a wonderful thing, but communion with God is such a blessing that can come about from a fast, especially a longer one. I know there are millions of things we can fast about and fast from. I'm so grateful I can have this experience. I wonder what the future will hold that will be revealed to me. No wonder that Alma waxed greater in the spirit of revelation and prophecy after fasting and praying much. There are some amazing advantages.